HIPAA disclosure.


This notice outlines the procedures governing the utilization and disclosure of your medical information, along with the mechanisms for accessing this information. We emphasize the significance of privacy and are dedicated to upholding the confidentiality of your medical records. Our documentation encompasses the medical care we administer and may involve records received from other sources. These records serve the purpose of facilitating quality medical care either directly or by enabling other healthcare providers to do so. Additionally, they aid in obtaining payment for services rendered in accordance with your health plan and assist us in meeting our professional and legal obligations to effectively operate this medical practice. Adhering to legal requirements, we are obligated to uphold the privacy of protected health information. This notice elucidates the potential uses and disclosures of your medical information, elucidating your rights and our legal responsibilities concerning this data. For any inquiries regarding this notice, kindly reach out to our Privacy Officer, as indicated above.

Provision of Medical Care: 

Your medical information is utilized to facilitate your healthcare. We share this information with our staff and individuals engaged in delivering the necessary care. This could involve sharing your medical details with other healthcare providers, such as physicians, offering services beyond our scope. Additionally, information may be disclosed to pharmacists for prescription dispensing or laboratories conducting tests. In certain situations, we might share medical information with your family members or other individuals capable of providing assistance during illness, injury, or following your passing.

Financial Transactions: 

Your medical information is utilized and shared to secure payment for the services rendered. To facilitate this, we may furnish necessary information to your health plan, ensuring the reimbursement process. Additionally, we may disclose information to other healthcare providers, aiding them in obtaining payment for the services they have extended to you.

Healthcare Practice Operations: 

The operation of this medical practice involves the utilization and disclosure of your medical information. This may include reviewing and enhancing the quality of care, evaluating the competence and qualifications of our professional staff, and obtaining authorization for services or referrals from your health plan. Additionally, we may utilize this information for medical reviews, legal services, audits, fraud and abuse detection, compliance programs, and overall business planning and management. To support our administrative functions, we may share your medical information with "business associates," such as our billing service, under written contracts that mandate the protection of the confidentiality and security of your health information. Furthermore, your information may be shared with other healthcare providers, clearinghouses, or health plans that are associated with you, aiding them in various activities such as quality assessment, patient safety, population health improvement, and more. In the context of "organized health care arrangements" (OHCAs), which include hospitals, physician organizations, health plans, and related entities collectively providing healthcare services, we may share medical information with participating entities for their healthcare operations. A list of the OHCAs we engage with is available from the Privacy Official.

Appointment Notifications: 

To ensure the continuity of your healthcare, we may use and disclose your medical information for appointment reminders. If you are unavailable, we may leave this information on your answering machine or with the person answering the phone.

Patient Sign-In and Notification Protocols: 

Upon your arrival at our office, we may employ sign-in sheets as a means of using and disclosing your medical information. Additionally, when we are ready to see you, we may call out your name as part of our communication process.

Family Notification and Communication: 

Your health information may be disclosed for the purpose of notifying a family member, personal representative, or another individual responsible for your care regarding your location, general condition, or, unless specified otherwise by you, in the event of your demise. In situations of disasters, information may be disclosed to relief organizations to facilitate coordination in notification efforts. Furthermore, disclosures may occur to individuals involved in your care or those contributing to your care expenses. If you are able to express agreement or objection, we will provide you with the opportunity to object before making such disclosures. However, in emergency circumstances during a disaster, we may proceed with disclosure even over your objection if it is deemed necessary to address the emergency. In instances where you are unable or unavailable to express agreement or objection, our healthcare professionals will exercise their best judgment in communicating with your family and relevant parties.

Healthcare Communication and Marketing Practices: 

In the absence of receiving payment for these communications, we may reach out to you to provide information about products or services related to your treatment, case management, or care coordination. This may include directing or recommending alternative treatments, therapies, healthcare providers, or care settings that could be of interest to you. Our communication may also involve describing products or services offered by this practice and informing you about the health plans in which this practice participates. Additionally, we may encourage you to adopt a healthy lifestyle, undergo recommended tests, participate in disease management programs, receive small gifts, learn about government-sponsored health initiatives, or consider purchasing a product or service during your visit, for which we may receive compensation. Moreover, we may receive compensation to cover our costs associated with reminding you to take and refill your medication or communicating about a currently prescribed drug or biologic. It is important to note that we will not use or disclose your medical information for marketing purposes or accept payment for other marketing communications without obtaining your prior written authorization. This authorization will specify whether we receive compensation for any authorized marketing activity, and we will cease any future marketing activity to the extent that you revoke that authorization.

Health Information sales: 

Your health information will not be sold without obtaining your prior written authorization. The authorization will explicitly state that we may receive compensation for your health information if you grant us permission to sell it. Furthermore, we will cease any future sales of your information in the event that you revoke that authorization.

Legal Requirements: In compliance with applicable laws, we will use and disclose your health information as necessary, limiting our actions to the specific requirements outlined by the law. Instances where the law mandates reporting of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, or demands responses to judicial, administrative proceedings, or law enforcement officials will be handled in accordance with the stipulations detailed below for these activities.

Public Health: There are situations where we may, and at times are legally obligated to, disclose your health information to public health authorities. This is done for purposes related to preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability; reporting child, elder, or dependent adult abuse or neglect; reporting domestic violence; reporting problems with products and reactions to medications to the Food and Drug Administration; and reporting disease or infection exposure. In cases of reporting suspected elder or dependent adult abuse or domestic violence, we will promptly inform you or your personal representative unless, based on our professional judgment, we believe such notification would jeopardize your safety or necessitate informing a personal representative whom we believe is responsible for the abuse or harm.

Health Agency Oversight: 

There are instances where we may, and at times are compelled by legal obligations, disclose your health information to health oversight agencies as part of audits, investigations, inspections, licensure processes, and other related proceedings. These disclosures are made within the confines of the legal limitations imposed by relevant laws.

Legal Proceedings: 

In certain situations, and as mandated by law, we may be required to disclose your health information during administrative or judicial proceedings, as expressly authorized by a court or administrative order. Additionally, we may disclose information about you in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process. This disclosure will occur after reasonable efforts have been made to notify you of the request, and if you have not objected or if any objections you raise are resolved by a court or administrative order.

If you have any questions regarding any of these sections, please send us a message at info@lraesthestic.com